7 Free Discovery Call Script Templates & How to Make One

Learn how to create your own discovery call script and get access to free discovery call script templates you can customize to fit your sales needs.

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A discovery call script is a guide that salespeople use to qualify a lead during a phone call. In addition to helping you prepare for the call, a script provides a list of discovery questions to qualify your leads and verbiage that excites potential buyers about the product or service. A quality general script will work for almost all cases, but you can use a tailored one that fits your specific business type or the discovery question framework you want to use.

Free Discovery Call Script Template

Below is our free general discovery call script template you can customize to fit your business, situation, and lead by filling in the blanks and adjusting the questions. The script follows the standard discovery call script structure and uses the BANT qualification framework by asking questions to reveal information about leads' budget, authority, needs, and timeline. We’ve also crafted other templates that work for specific sales scenarios. Jump to see them below.

free discovery call script template

Standard Discovery Call Script Structure

A standard discovery call script will begin with a rapport-building opening followed by small talk, introductions, and agenda-setting before listing discovery questions. The script ends with two closing options for two outcomes: qualified or unqualified. This structure works to build a relationship with the potential buyer while achieving its main function of lead qualification.


Small Talk



Discovery Questions


Your opener consists of a basic greeting like “how’ve you been?” and a more strategic conversational question that will initiate small talk, usually regarding something you learned about the lead during your pre-call research or a past call. It could be their hobby, a recent vacation, or industry news. A rapport-building opener like this shows the lead that you’ve done your homework and also provides you both with an easy avenue for connection.

Discovery call script template opening

Opening from free script template

The question you asked in your opener will have led your conversation into small talk. At this point, it’s impossible to script what to say, as each conversation will be different. However, you can follow a few best practices for optimal connectivity. First, keep it to five minutes so you don’t run out of time to qualify. Also, go with the flow, digging deeper into their answers and letting some jokes fly. Third, consider talking about news to flex industry expertise.

Discovery call script template small talk

Small talk from free script template

The introduction section includes verbiage for transitioning out of small talk and into the business discussion. It should contain an introductory statement for your business, in which you share your title, company name, client type, credentials, the issues you solve, your unique selling proposition, and more. It’s best practice to end this section with a sentence stating your enthusiasm for seeing how you can help the lead achieve incredible results.

Discovery call script template intro

Intro from free script template

The agenda-setting portion of the discovery call script should inform the lead about what this call will entail. Your verbiage should make them aware of the fact you’re going to ask them a series of questions to determine if your business is a good fit to serve them. You’ll end the agenda portion with a statement asking for buy-in from the lead to make them feel committed to the conversation. Setting an agenda makes you seem more professional and credible.

Discovery call script template agenda

Agenda from free script template

This section will list 8–10 questions that help you qualify your lead as a fit for your business. Pick questions related to the criteria of your qualification framework. If budget is one of the criteria, ask them “do you have a budget set aside for this?” The questions section should also include a few questions that will help you better understand your lead, such as “tell me a bit about your role at the company.” This intel will help with forming pitches later on.

Discovery call script template discovery questions

Discovery questions from free script template

The closing statement should contain verbiage for both qualified and unqualified leads. For qualified leads, the script should summarize why you think your solution would be a great fit for them and then ask for next steps, typically a full-on sales call or presentation. For unqualified leads, the script should politely explain why it’s not a fit, recommend a more suitable provider, and request a referral. This approach helps you get value out of every lead.

Discovery call script template closing statement

Closing statement from free script template

Now that you understand what to include in a discovery call script and in which order, let's get into how to write your own script.

How to Write Your Own Discovery Call Script

Creating your own master discovery call script that you can tailor to fit different leads is a good way to standardize and optimize your lead qualification process. To do so, start by understanding your ideal customer by crafting a customer profile and buyer persona. Next, pick a lead qualification framework and choose 8–10 questions you’ll ask leads during the call. Finally, write the other components of the script and practice until it becomes second nature.

1. Create Your Customer Profile & Buyer Persona

First build your customer profile, which describes your ideal corporate or individual customer using hard data like demographics, psychographics, and firmographics. Use it to create buyer personas: semi-fictitious representations of real people you’d sell to that outline their pain points and motivations. Both are meant to help you assess a lead’s level of fit with your business.  They’ll also help you craft verbiage that speaks to the lead’s interests, role, pains, and desires.

2. Pick Your Lead Qualification Framework

Even if a person and their company fit the buyer persona and customer profile, there are still other qualification factors you must take into account on your discovery calls, such as their budget, decision-making power, and timeline. Lead qualification frameworks are the set of criteria that you check off as you qualify a lead. The first criterion (the first letter in the acronym) is what you ask about to start. It takes priority in your qualification process.

Here are some examples of qualification frameworks and who should use them: 

  • BANT: Assesses leads based on their budget, authority, needs, and timeline of implementation and results. This is what we use in our generic discovery script. It’s for those selling an expensive product who want to make sure buyers can afford it first.  
  • CHAMP: Judges a lead on their challenges, authority, money, and prioritization of this project. It works well for sellers who want to show leads how dedicated they are to helping them achieve a specific goal and overcome the challenges along the way. 
  • GPCTBA/C&I: Assesses a lead based on their goals, plans, challenges, timeline, budget, authority, consequences, and implications. It's great for salespeople who sell complex solutions like enterprise software and want to go through a comprehensive checklist.

Choosing your framework will guide you in selecting the questions to ask in the next step, as you’ll know what intel you must uncover from your leads to determine if they’ve passed or failed the framework’s assessment. You can always go back and change your framework later on if it’s yielding too many false qualifications. For now, stick with one and build your list of questions. We’ll give you scripts for CHAMP and GPCTBA/C&I later in the article.

3. Select the Right Qualification Questions to Ask

Now that you know what qualified looks like, form a list of questions to include in your script. If you're in B2B sales, start with two questions about the person’s company and role so you can assess their match with your customer profile and buyer persona. From there, write out 8–10 questions, two for each criterion in your chosen lead qualification framework. If you’re using BANT, you’d write two questions about budget first, then authority, and so on. 

Below are some questions covering all the criteria from the three frameworks in the last step:

  • Budget: Do you have a budget set aside for solving this problem? Just wanted to tell you that our packages start at this cost; is that price alright with you? 
  • Authority: Is there anybody else heading up this venture or who plays the role of decision maker? Tell me about your role in this evaluation.
  • Needs: Tell me a bit more about the problem you’re trying to solve. What’s the source of the problem? What would ideal results a month after implementation look like to you? 
  • Timeline: When do you need this implemented? How quickly do you need this problem solved? By when do you want to hit your goals? 
  • Challenges: What are the main hurdles in achieving this goal? What is the most difficult challenge to overcome at the moment? 
  • Prioritization: Why is this a priority for you? Compared to other initiatives, where does this rank in priority? Why haven’t you addressed this issue before, or have you tried to no avail? 
  • Goals: What are your three-month and one-year goals for your team? Where do you want the company to be in five years? What is the ideal outcome?  
  • Plans: Can you walk me through your current plan to achieve this goal? What past plans haven’t worked and why? 
  • Consequences/Implications: What’s it costing you per month to let this issue fester? What opportunities are you missing out on because of this challenge? Is this causing you to lose a competitive edge against competitors in any way? 

Now take the 8–10 questions and write them down in a document for later. Keep in mind that during a call, you might want to go off-script a little for the sake of conversation. It’s advised to ask an unscripted question to dig into one of their answers every once in a while, as long as you still get a clear answer for each of your chosen criteria.

4. Write Out the Sections of Your Script

With 8–10 questions selected, you can start to write out your script, leaving blanks for parts that change for each lead, like {Lead Name} or {Company Name}. That way reps using it can quickly make a copy of the master document and personalize it before their call with each new lead. The sections of the script include an opener, small talk, introduction, agenda, discovery questions, and a closing statement. The ideal script will be about two pages in length.

Below is a quick reminder of the sections and what to write for each: 

  • Opening: Write your greetings and a few basic questions you could ask any lead to initiate small talk, such as about their recent promotion or a newsworthy industry event.
  • Small Talk: Engage in about 2–5 minutes of small talk to create a warm and comfortable environment. While you can’t script this, you can have topic ideas to touch on like weekend plans, local or community news, or upcoming travel.
  • Introduction: In 4–5 sentences give a thousand-foot view of your company in a customer-focused manner. Speak to the pain points you solve, your business's credentials, and the benefits customers receive from purchasing your solution. 
  • Agenda: Create a 1– to 2-sentence segue into the question-asking portion by setting the agenda for the rest of the call and asking for buy-in from the lead. 
  • Discovery Questions: Write your list of 8–10 questions in the script. Be sure to write the most important ones at the top so you get through them in the allotted time. 
  • Closing Statement: Create two closings — one for a good fit, and one for a bad fit. The good fit closing should include why it’s a match, your value to them, and a call-to-action. The bad fit closing should say why it’s a poor match and recommend another company. 

Your script should be instructive, but not strict to the point of creative suffocation. Sellers need to have a map but also the ability to go off-script when need be. Also, as you’re writing, especially when crafting your introduction and good-fit closing statement, consult your buyer persona so that you use language that speaks to the desires and frustrations of your leads. That way they’ll be more excited to answer your questions truthfully and commit to next steps if qualified.

5. Rehearse Your Discovery Call Script

Now that you’ve written your script, practice it alone until it becomes locked in your memory. The most important parts to memorize are the introduction, which sells your business, and the questions, which execute your qualification strategy, so you don't sound scripted on the phone. Next, start practicing with peers and colleagues so that you can expose yourself to different responses to your questions.


Additional Reading:

Read our article on how to conduct a discovery call if you’re ready to put your newly minted script to work. In it you’ll find the step-by-step process for qualifying leads over the phone.

6 Best Situational Discovery Call Script Template Examples

Below are six unique discovery call scripts for salespeople.  Two use CHAMP and GPCTBA/C&I  qualification frameworks, and the remaining four are purpose-built for specific types of solutions: B2B products, B2B services, B2C products, and B2C services. Each follows the ideal discovery call structure and comes with blanks for personalization, phrasing to help you sell your solution, and questions that will uncover important information for lead qualification.

Discovery Call Script for CHAMP Framework Users

Who Should Use It: Salespeople that want to understand a lead’s main challenges and how invested they are in overcoming these hurdles before deciding to work with the lead.

Why It Works: This script starts the small talk by asking about a recent event or story in the industry, thereby building you up as an informed expert in the field. Next, it introduces the solution as a means of attaining some goal by overcoming certain challenges. The questions then learn about the challenge and its causes while also exploring the lead’s authority, money, and priorities.

You: Hey {Name}, how’ve you been since we last spoke?

Lead: Responds.

You: Glad to hear it. By any chance did you hear about {Industry Event/News}? Interested in hearing your thoughts.

Lead: Small talk for five minutes.

You: I don’t want to take up too much of your time, as I know you’re likely busy. I’d love the opportunity to first tell you a bit about what we do here at {Company Name}. In sum, we help {Lead’s Job Title} overcome {Typical Challenges} so that they can achieve their goals, whether that be {Typical Goal A} or {Typical Goal B}. We stand out from the other {Company Type} on the market because we focus on {Unique Selling Proposition}. So that’s the high-level view. We can get more into the weeds on another call. For this meeting, I have some questions to ask to ensure we’re the right fit to help you out.

Lead: Responds.

You: Ask down a list of discovery questions. These follow the CHAMP framework. 

  1. What challenges are you having that made you interested in evaluating our solution? (Challenges)
  2. And they’re preventing you from achieving what exactly? (Challenges)
  3. Can you tell me how long you’ve been dealing with these hurdles? (Challenges)
  4. What have you tried as solutions and why do you think they failed? (Challenges)
  5. For my reference, is it going to be just you or others as well in this evaluation process? (Authority)
  6. Do you have funds already set aside for eliminating this challenge? (Money)
  7. I’m sure you’ve got a lot going on. How much of a priority from 1–10 is this venture? (Priority)
  8. Why wait until now to tackle it? (Priority)
  9. What results do you want to see and how quickly in an ideal case? (Priority)

You: Well, {Name}, thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. I have a much better understanding of your needs and situation now. And I can confidently say that we’re going to be able to help you achieve {Main Goal}. We’ve run out of time. But would you be open to setting up time next week to do a walkthrough of the {Offer}?

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Discovery Call Script for GPCTBA/C&I Framework Users

Who Should Use It: Salespeople who want to use an exhaustive checklist for lead qualification so that only the highest quality leads enter the sales cycle.

Why It Works: This script works well to build interest around the solution with a pain point-focused introduction. It then uses questions that will help you reveal a lead’s main goals, their plan, and the challenges in frustrating its execution, in turn shining light on why they need you. After forming an understanding of their situation, the questions ask about their timeline, budget, authority, the consequences of not buying, and positive implications of purchasing.

You: Hi {Name}, thanks for clearing time in your schedule to talk. How’s your day been so far?

Lead: Small talk for less than five minutes.

You: Great, I’m excited to share a bit about our company, and, more importantly, to learn more about yours to see if we’re a good fit to help you. To give you some context, we’re a {Company Type} that specializes in helping {Job Title} like you deal with {Pain Point A} and {Pain Point B} so they no longer have {Cost of Pain Points}. Our {Product/Service} does this by {How Solution Works}. Plus, we offer/include {Differentiating Factor}, which enables our customers to enjoy {Benefit}. Now, I have a few questions I wanted to ask you. Alright with you?

Lead: Responds.

You: Run down your list of discovery questions. These follow the GPCTBA/C&I framework.

  1. What goal are you trying to achieve that encouraged you to check out {Solution Type — e.g., CRMs}? (Goals)
  2. And tell me a bit about your plan for achieving that goal and where this product/service fits into it? (Plans)
  3. What challenges have you faced in your pursuit of {Goal}? (Challenges)
  4. What actions have you taken to try to overcome these challenges? (Challenges)
  5. And how quickly do you want to reach this goal? (Timeline)
  6. What’s your ideal start date for a product implementation/the first deliverable? (Timeline)
  7. Have you already formed room in the budget for this initiative? (Budget)
  8. Who’s in charge of this evaluation process? You and others, or you solo? (Authority)
  9. What do you think would happen if you waited to solve this challenge any longer? (Consequences)
  10. Name a few of the results you’re looking for after six months post-purchase. (Implications)

You: Thanks for taking the time to have this conversation with me. I sure learned a lot about your situation, and I hope you feel as sure as I do at the moment that we’re a good fit for one another. Next steps would be to show you our {Solution} on a longer meeting, where we can really dive in and see if it’s what you’re looking for. Do you have your calendar open?

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Discovery Call Script for B2B Product Salespeople

Who Should Use It: B2B salespeople qualifying a lead for a specific product the lead inquired about or trying to figure out which product will best satisfy their needs.

Why It Works: This script effectively builds hype around the product with the use of a customer-focused story that describes the pains your product solves and the credentials your business holds. After building confidence and excitement around your brand, the script focuses on digging into the problem the company is trying to solve. It also ensures your product has the features and implementation time they’re expecting.

You: Hi {Lead’s Name}, how was {Past Event, Project, Weekend}?

Lead: Small talk for max five minutes.

You: Well, I don’t want to hold you too long. So, let’s get down to business. First off, thank you for taking the time to speak with me today about the possibility of implementing {Product Name} into {Company Name}. I know you learned a bit about what we do on the last call, but I’d like to give you a bit more context so you better understand why I’m asking the questions I ask. That work?

Lead: Agrees.

You: So, {Product Name} came into existence around {Year Founded} because a lot of {Lead Company Type} were really struggling with {Pain Point}, but had no way of dealing with it. Over the past {Number of Years} years, we’ve helped {Number of Clients} {Value Proposition}. This is possible because {How Product Solves Issue}. Any questions for me before we move on?

Lead: Answers.

You: Now, I understand you need help with {Problem}, and I think we could help. But, before I jump to conclusions I want to make sure it’s the right fit. So I have some questions I want to run through with you.

Lead: Responds.

You: Ask down your list of questions. These follow the BANT qualification framework. 

  1. I know you said you needed help with {Problem}. Can you go a bit more in-depth into what’s going on? (Needs)
  2. Have you already set aside a budget for purchasing a {Product Category}? (Budget)
  3. Great, can you tell me a bit about your role at {Company}? (Authority)
  4. And is it you alone taking on this initiative or are others involved. If so, who are they? (Authority)
  5. What other options have you tried out, and why don’t you think they worked? (Needs)
  6. What are the must-have features of this product for your team? (Needs)
  7. What type of results do you expect? (Needs)
  8. How soon does your team want it up and running? (Timeline)
  9. And when do you expect to see an ROI on this purchase? (Timeline)

You: It sounds like we’re a great fit to help you achieve {Goal}, especially since we {Reason for Fit}. How about we schedule time for next week to do a live demo to show you its abilities?

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Discovery Call Script for B2C Product Salespeople

Who Should Use It: B2C salespeople trying to figure out which product is best for a potential buyer or qualify them for a specific product. Sellers in brick and mortar stores can also succeed with this.

Why It Works: This script first positions your product line as a standout in the market. It then informs the buyer that you’re interested in finding the perfect match for their specific preferences, thereby building trust. Its questions focus on uncovering things like the lead’s price range, authority, needs, product preferences, and preferred timeline, all of which help the seller qualify the lead for a certain product and pitch it to them in a personalized manner.

You: Hi {Name}. How’s the week been treating you so far?

Lead: Small talk for a max of five minutes.

You: Great to hear. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me today about {Product}. I know purchasing a {Item Category — e.g., television, car, etc.} can be a bit of a stressful process. A lot of the people we work with have a bit of trouble figuring out which {Product} is right for them. That said, I’d like to ask you some questions to better understand your budget, preferences, and needs so I can recommend the best option for you. How’s that sound?

Lead: Responds.

You: Great, first let me just give you some context about our store. We specialize in producing top-notch and {Differentiating Adjective — e.g., most affordable, sustainably produced, etc.} {Product}. Customers usually come to us because they’re looking for a {Product Type} that enables them to {Emotionally-Charged Benefit — e.g., keep their family safe, reduce emissions, go on more adventures, etc.,}. That said, I’ve got some questions to ask you before I toot our horn any more.

You: Read down a list of discovery questions. These follow the BANT qualification framework. 

  1. What’s your price range? (Budget)
  2. Do you have any wiggle room if you found your dream {Product Type} today? (Budget)
  3. Is there anyone else involved in making this purchasing decision? (Authority)
  4. Describe the ideal {Product Type} for me so I can better find a match for you. (Needs)
  5. Which features do you prioritize? (Needs)
  6. Have you ever owned one of these before? If not, what inspired you to get one? (Needs)
  7. What’re the main issues with your current product? (Needs)
  8. Tell me a bit about when you plan to use this. (Timeline)
  9. How long are you planning to have this before you get a new one? (Timeline)

You: Alright, I’ve got the perfect {Product Type} for you. It’s right in your price range and packed with the features you love, plus some cool ones you might’ve never heard of before. Would you like to look it over with me now or set up another call to review it in-depth?

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Discovery Call Script for B2B Service Salespeople

Who Should Use It: B2B salespeople qualifying a lead for a service and also attempting to figure out which package or tier is best for their needs.

Why It Works: One of the best ways to warm up any B2B sales call is to ask the buyer something about their current role at the company. After building rapport with this tactic, the script asks probing questions to ensure that this partnership will yield positive results for both parties involved. B2B service relationships often require a lot of back and forth, so it’s important to ensure the client won’t be too costly.

You: Hey {Name}. How’ve you been?

Lead: Responds.

You: Great. Before we jump in, I have to mention that while I was perusing your company website, I noticed you’re in charge of {Unique Responsibility}. I haven’t come across this in my talks with other {Job Title}, so I was wondering if I could ask what it entailed?

Lead: Small talk for five minutes max.

You: Understood. I could talk {Topic} all day, but seeing as though we only have {Duration}, I’d love to get down to business. First off, I think it’d be best if I gave you a quick overview of our company and the service we provide.

You: To start, {Lead’s Company Type} often come to us because they need help tackling {Problem} in order to hit their {Sales, Revenue, Risk Reduction, Efficiency, etc.} goals. What separates us from other {Service Type} is our {Unique Selling Proposition}. Not only does this lead to {Specific Results — e.g., 33% cost reductions}, but also long-term relationships with our clients.

Lead: Responds.

You: From our previous talks and some research we’ve done, I know you need help with {Goal}. Before we go over the services we offer in detail, I think it’d be best if I asked you some questions to ensure that we’re the right team to help your company. Does that sound like a plan?

Lead: Responds.

You: Read down your list of discovery questions. These follow the BANT qualification framework. 

  1. How much of a budget have you set aside for this service? (Budget)
  2. Is there any wiggle room in your budget, or is that a fixed cost? (Budget)
  3. Will it be you alone making the decision about who to partner with? (Authority)
  4. Can you walk me through your typical purchasing process for this type of service? (Authority)
  5. What made you want to outsource this work? (Needs)
  6. How much time do you currently spend dealing with {Task/Problem} a week? (Needs)
  7. Have you tried other services? If so, what have you liked and disliked about their approach? (Needs)
  8. How many of {Service/Deliverable} do you want each month? (Needs)
  9. How frequently do you want {Reports, Communication, Calls, Strategy Sessions}? (Timeline)
  10. When do you need the service to start? (Timeline)

You: Wonderful. I think we can provide tremendous value to your business. The fact that you’re in need of {Lead’s Specific Need} and want a partnership that focuses on {Lead’s Prioritized Services} gives me a great feeling that we’re a great fit for you. Would you be open to scheduling a call next week to go over our offering more in-depth?

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Discovery Call Script for B2C Service Salespeople

Who Should Use It: B2C sales professionals trying to see if a potential buyer is a good fit for their service.

Why It Works: This script focuses on telling the lead what pain points you’ll solve for them before you even get into the questions, which will make them more invested in the conversation. It also asks questions that will help you gauge whether your service is a good match with their needs, budget, authority, and timeline, while also influencing the lead to think about how much of a relief having your service would be.

You: Hi {Lead’s Name}, how’s everything going over there in {Location}?

Lead: Small talk ensues for max five minutes.

You: Well, {Name}, thanks for taking the time to speak with me today. I want to use this time wisely to figure out if our service is right for you. Before I get into asking you some questions, I’d love to give you a thousand-foot view of what we do here at {Company Name}.

Lead: Responds.

You: We are the leading {Service Type} in {Region} with a combined {Years of Experience}. Our customers usually struggle with {Pain Point A} and {Pain Point B}, and come to us repeatedly to help them resolve this. Unlike other typical {Company Type}, we focus on {Unique Selling Proposition}, which helps people like you {Benefit}. That said, I’m excited to see if we can achieve such fantastic results for you and your {Home, Family, Financial Situation}. How about I ask some questions to see?

Lead: Responds.

You: Ask down a list of questions. These follow the BANT qualification framework. 

  1. First, what’s your monthly household budget for a service like ours? (Budget)
  2. And will it be just you heading up this evaluation process and purchase? (Authority)
  3. Have you used {Service Type} in the past? (Authority)
  4. What made you want to reach out to us? (Needs)
  5. How long have you had this goal/problem? Please tell me a bit more about it. (Needs)
  6. What do you value most in a long-term provider? (Needs)
  7. What is the ideal outcome six months from now if you choose to work with us? (Timeline)
  8. How long do you see this partnership lasting? (Timeline)
  9. When do you want this service to begin? (Timeline)

You: Wonderful, it seems like we’re well-suited to help you with {Issue/Goal}. Many of our clients in your situation have seen upwards of {Average Results}. How about we have a call in a few days to go over what we can offer you and the different packages available?

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These individual discovery call script examples above can be implemented in their respective situations, or you can use them to draft up your own ideal script. Feel free to include their introductions, framework questions, and calls-to-action while leaving room to personalize it to fit your desired outcome.

Top 4 Expert Tips for Writing a Discovery Call Script

There are best practices sales professionals follow to create the most effective and impactful discovery call script possible. These include using your buyer persona, leaving blank space for customization, ensuring your script sounds right when spoken, and involving team members in the drafting process. Read about each of these from our sales experts below:

James Angel

James Angel


Keep Your Research & Buyer Persona Close By

“Spend some time thinking about how this customer type sees the world. Look into their fears, goals, and motivations to form phrasing that affects them emotionally. Before joining a discovery call, learn more about the history your prospect has had with your business and any rivals they may have utilized. Reading the most recent news can help you find out what's going on with their company and sector. Consider even going over the articles they posted on social media.”

— James Angel, DYL

Corey Tyner

Corey Tyner


Leave Blanks for Personalization

“Keep some parts of your template blank so you can customize the script to the specific lead and company you’re speaking with. Mention the company name and specific pain points you uncovered during your research. For example, use {Lead’s Company Type} so you can say the lead’s business.”

— Corey Tyner, Buy Yo Dirt

Febra Alexander

Febra Alexander


Write How You Speak

“Keep the tone of the conversation casual and friendly. The goal is to build rapport with the prospect and get them to open up about their needs and challenges. As you're working on your script, try saying the sentences out loud to ensure they flow and sound like something a real human would say.”

— Febra Alexander, Doggy Bag Treat

Ashley Bisson

Ashley Bisson

Account Manager

Ask Sales Reps Which Questions They Ask

“Don’t hesitate to ask your sales rep peers what questions they ask on discovery calls, especially if they're seeing success. If you're a manager and your individual sales reps already use specific questions for discovery calls, try including the ones that work the best if you’re pushing a new standardized call script.”

— Ashley Bisson, Insight Global

Following these tips while writing will ensure that you craft a script that helps you connect with your ideal leads, speak to their needs and situation, and qualify them correctly.

Bottom Line: Discovery Call Script Template

A discovery call script can help salespeople conduct more effective discovery calls by giving them the right things to say and questions to ask, as well as an overall roadmap for the call. Managers can also create and disseminate discovery call scripts to standardize the qualification process and thus make it repeatable and testable. To see how qualification fits into your sales process, check out our guide to the fundamentals of lead generation.

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