Lead Generation


Check out our guide on lead generation, which gives you an entire overview of the topic. At the bottom, you'll also find a complete list of our lead generation articles.

Lead generation is a large topic that spans the systematic process of attracting new leads to your business, qualifying them, and converting them into sales opportunities. To help maximize your lead generation efforts, this article provides a high-level overview of the entire lead generation concept, helping direct you to in-depth articles on the major components of lead generation. Use this article as your ultimate guide to lead generation mastery.

Rather than taking the full reader journey through the entire topic, you can jump to our complete list of niche-specific articles for any lead generation situation: See them below. Otherwise, continue reading for an A-Z overview, beginning with the overall lead generation process:

Lead Generation Infographic

Lead Generation Process

Typically the first stage of a sales process, the goal of a business’s lead generation process is to generate leads and convert them into qualified prospects, otherwise known as sales opportunities. To do so, effective salespeople follow a standard lead generation process and then tailor it to their inbound or outbound needs. The broad lead generation process to follow includes:

  • Define Your Ideal Customer: Create an ideal customer profile and buyer persona so you can identify the right leads to go after.
  • Attract Leads to Your Business: With your ideal leads defined, attract them to your business or brand through inbound or outbound lead generation.
  • Engage Leads to Assess Fit: Engage leads who express interest in your value proposition to assess overall fit.
  • Qualify Leads for Nurturing: Qualify leads as prospects using a framework that assesses budget, authority, needs, and overall timeline.

Of course, this is only a high-level overview, and the particular lead generation process you implement will be dependent on your situation. For example, inbound lead generators might create a lead generation funnel to supplement their process, while outbound lead generators might not. Still, it’s important to nail down your lead generation operations first so you can build your tactics and strategies around the overall process.

We go into detail on these below, but for more information on setting up your initial lead generation process, read our article here:

Additional Reading:

For more detail on creating your lead generation operations, read our detailed article on the lead generation process, where we discuss a standard lead generation process as well as how to tailor it to online lead generation or in-person sales prospecting.

Top Ways to Generate Leads

As we pointed out above, once you create your lead generation process, your first action is to generate initial leads for your business. You can do this through inbound or outbound lead generation such as online lead generation, outbound sales prospecting, local lead generation, or a blend of B2B or B2C methods. The best option for you depends on your unique situation and business. Below, we give you the info to make that decision:

  • Outbound Sales Prospecting: Consists of generating sales leads through various direct outreach methods such as cold calling or cold emailing. Best for B2B salespeople or B2C sellers offering bigger-ticket items that require a lot of nurturing.
  • Online Lead Generation: Refers to the inbound method of online advertising and marketing that attracts leads to your website, collects their contact information, and ultimately converts them into prospects. Best for companies with marketing and sales departments.
  • Local Lead Generation: Includes the inbound and outbound strategies necessary to attract regional leads to your physical location or your local service offering. This includes generating online reviews, creating local ads, or being active in your community.
  • B2B Lead Generation: The process of attracting individuals from other businesses to your business. This can be done through the inbound, outbound, or local strategies discussed above, and can even take a blended approach that leverages more than one.
  • B2C Lead Generation: Consists of identifying and attracting direct consumers of your product or service. This typically involves inbound lead generating strategies like offering education online content to attract leads.

Any of the above lead generation options might be right for you. To choose the best method, check out our detailed article that breaks down each of these approaches. From there, you'll be directed to additional articles breaking down the one you choose:

Additional Reading:

To learn more about each of these lead generation methods, including which one is right for you, check out our complete guide on how to generate leads. In it, we discuss the best ways to generate leads using the methods above, including how to blend them together for the best results.

How to Qualify Leads for Sales Opportunities

Now that you’ve created a process and started generating leads, it’s time to qualify them. Lead qualification is the process of assessing a lead’s likelihood to buy your product or service before admitting them into the sales pipeline for further nurturing. It separates the bad leads from the good, thereby allocating marketing and selling resources to only high-potential contacts. When a lead is highly qualified — has passed all your stages of qualification, the seller marks them as a prospect and opens a sales opportunity.

During the qualification process, the business is evaluating the lead on two main criteria: interest and fitness level. Fitness is how well the lead fits your ICP. B2B businesses will also measure a lead’s decision-making status.

There are three qualification stages a lead must pass through to become a prospect:

  • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL): Marketing has ruled this lead qualified enough to pass to the sales team. These leads usually come from lead magnet downloads or ads, and they are evaluated on their interest level and fitness.
  • Sales Accepted Lead (SAL): The sales team has further vetted and accepted this lead. Usually, they have been scored and reached a certain scoring threshold.
  • Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): This lead is willing and able to buy the solution and therefore has a high chance of purchasing. At this point — and even more so if they pass this stage’s tests (often a discovery call) — they are eligible to enter into a sales pipeline as a prospect.

Businesses typically qualify leads by scoring them with a lead scoring model and/or by speaking with them directly over a discovery call. Typically, an organization with a marketing person or team will use lead scoring to initially qualify a lead before handing them off to a salesperson for direct contact and further qualification. However, it’s possible to use a blend of these methods.

Additional Reading:

To learn how to qualify leads like a pro, read our in-depth article on lead qualification, where we cover the three stages of the lead qualification process, as well as detail on lead scoring and discovery calls.

9 Best Lead Generation Software Types

As you continue to generate and qualify leads, leverage lead generation software to improve your results. These online tools help you generate leads, gather their data, nurture them, and convert them. Regardless of your business type and specific goals, there are countless lead generation software types out there that can help you with each area of the lead generation process.

Here are nine of the most valuable types of lead generation software.

  • B2B Lead Database: Find lead contact information and other data that help them nurture the lead. Quality prospecting tools utilize searchable, filterable databases.
  • Email Finder Tool: Search online databases for verified contact information from various sites including social media or company directories.
  • Email Verification Software: Verify that the email address you have for a lead is correct in an effort to minimize bouncebacks.
  • Lead Generation Website: Attract and capture leads and even provide customer support through one website with add-on features and tools.
  • Lead Capture Software: Enable you to capture information from your leads, such as email address, name, phone number, and anything else that helps you make the sale.
  • Landing Page Builder Software: Create and implement single web pages that capture lead information or facilitate purchases, often including a lead magnet.
  • Live Chat Software: Interact directly with leads and current customers through a mobile device or computer.
  • Website Visitor Tracking Software: Uncover the demographics and contact information of those who’re visiting your website and monitor the content interacted with.
  • Lead Management Software: Help businesses generate, track, score, and nurture leads to improve the lead generation process and increase conversions.

Software not only helps you automate parts of your lead generation process, but it also enables you to study it. For instance, most lead capture software will allow you to track your conversion rate. Lead management software like a CRM helps you spot where in your funnel your leads tend to fall out. These insights help you iterate on your lead generation process until it is optimized.

Additional Reading:

If lead generation software sounds like something you want to research more in-depth, read our article on the top lead generation software. There, we discuss each of the main types, including core features and top providers.

Top 4 Lead Generation Ideas

There are hundreds of unique ways marketers and salespeople attract leads to their businesses, including practicing local SEO, hosting webinars, or attending industry events or trade shows. For the sake of simplicity, let’s go over four of the most effective lead generation strategies that you can get started on this week: host consultation calls, create and share free educational content, run Facebook lead ads, and make simultaneous cold calls and emails.

Offer Free Consultation Calls or Assessments

Consultation calls are short phone conversations with a lead usually during the lead generating stage of a sales process. They can also act as an opportunity to qualify your lead. But most importantly, consultation calls are your chance to act as a subject matter expert in your industry and listen to the lead’s problem to work together to find a solution. This way, you’ll have a strong foundation of trust to build the selling relationship off of.

Create & Share Free Educational Content

Creating educational content in the form of videos, blog posts, articles, courses, or industry reports and sharing it on social media or your blog is a great way to generate traffic to your website and build your brand’s reputation as a value provider. Use this content to engage your social media audience or drive google traffic to your website. Or even attach it to cold emails you send out. Remember, people want to buy from experts in their space.

Run Social Media Lead Ads

Facebook and LinkedIn offer on-platform advertisements with an embedded form to capture lead information, meaning the lead doesn’t have to leave the platform to give their contact information. In the ad, you offer users something free they find valuable, like an ebook download. Clicking on the ad will trigger a pop up asking to fill in chosen fields, from email address to company name. To learn more, check out our guides on creating Facebook lead ads and LinkedIn lead gen forms.

Cold Call & Cold Email Simultaneously

Cold calling is an age-old method that still works, as long as you do it correctly. The best way to get in front of your top leads is to target them through multiple channels, especially by email. A few one-off calls won't engage a lead as much as an accompanying email, which familarizes your lead with your name. Strategize your outreach to include every cold voicemail left with a follow up email.

For high-level insight into social media, content marketing, and phone-based lead generation, check out our article on the top lead generation statistics.

Additional Reading:

For lead generation techniques that you can add to your repertoire, read our article outlining the top lead generation ideas. Sales experts walk you through the basics of each unique idea that has worked for their business.

Where to Buy Business Leads Directly

Some businesses might prefer to buy business leads directly, either by paying a lead generation company to generate leads for them or by buying a subscription to a searchable lead database. Top sources typically deliver affordable leads that fit the customer profile you’ve created. Both options will take some of the lead generation load off of your back, freeing up time to focus on your core business activities.

Below are the top places to buy business leads:

  • CIENCE: Best lead generation company offering both inbound and outbound pre-qualified leads through marketing campaigns (call for quote)
  • UpLead: Best overall B2B database for verified lead profiles, including their demographics, firmographics, and contact information (7-day free trial)
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Best to find and contact LinkedIn leads using advanced search features, custom lists, and even recommendations (30-day free trial)

Before committing to purchasing leads, measure your budget and needs and determine how much time you have available to qualify the leads you receive. One of the quickest ways to learn more about these companies is by contacting their sales teams and starting a trial.

Additional Reading:

To learn more about buying leads, read our article on the best places to buy business leads. There, you'll find an aggregate list of the best lead generation companies and sales prospecting tools, including who each is right for.

Bottom Line: Lead Generation

Lead generation is the first stage of your sales process and paramount to a successful business and sales career. In general, people want to buy from businesses they trust and see as experts. Therefore, your lead generation strategies should satisfy these desires. Engage with your ideal leads consistently, providing them with value during each interaction. Once you generate your leads, the next step is to nurture them to deal-close. For next steps, check out our overview of lead nurturing.

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