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Sales presentation templates are suggested general talking points and partially prewritten sales decks that can help you present your product or service to a prospect. While you can create your talking points and sales deck from scratch, using templates can save you time and result in a stronger presentation. All templates tend to follow a similar structure, but it can be helpful to seek out ones created for your unique situation such as your industry or relationship with the prospect.
Components of a Sales Presentation Template
There are two key components of a sales presentation template: the outline that guides the spoken portion of your presentation (i.e., the talking points you'll follow), and the sales deck template that guides the visual portion (i.e., the slideshow you'll create for your prospects).
More specifically, the components of a sales presentation template include:
Sales Presentation Outline: A recommended structure of your spoken presentation, including your talking points and the order in which you'll say them, that helps you stay on track and touch on the essential details as you speak with your prospect.
Sales Deck Template: A predesigned slideshow that includes prompts on each page so you know what to write and in which order, helping you to include the most impactful information for your prospect and inspire them to take action.
There are times when you'll present without slides or send a sales deck for the lead to read through on their own. Below, we've covered these two main components separately and explained how they can work together so you can learn about and grab templates for the outline, sales deck, or both.
If you're interested in learning how to create these components from scratch rather than starting with these templates, check out our articles on how to create and deliver a sales presentation and how to craft a sales deck. Otherwise, continue reading below.
Tailor a Sales Presentation Outline
The first step in creating a sales presentation is to draft an outline that will allow you to efficiently build rapport with your lead, discuss the problem and how your product or service can fix it, and get them to take next steps. Typically, that involves following an outline similar to the below:
Small Talk and Intros: Briefly chat with your prospect and give your business's elevator pitch to introduce yourself and what you do.
Agenda-Setting: Refresh the prospect on what you hope to accomplish with this meeting and what they'll get out of it whether or not they choose to move forward.
Your Prospect’s Pain Point: Remind the prospect of the problem you discussed during discovery, and elaborate on why they can't afford not to resolve it.
Solution and Benefits: Tease the better world and three benefits they'll experience when they do solve the problem, then introduce your product or service as the solution.
Social Proof: Talk about a current client that's similar to the prospect and had a similar issue before working with you; share a testimonial if possible.
Call-to-Action: Make a strong CTA that encourages them to take action with you, such as moving on to a business proposal or agreeing to another meeting.
While the outline above is a good starting point for any business, every presenter should modify their outline to fit their offering, industry, and audience. For instance, product sellers will often add a product demo after introducing their solution. Some salespeople will present to renew or upsell current clients rather than to sell to new ones, which will affect initial intros and small talk. To create the best flow for your situation, read Indeed's article on creating a sales presentation outline.
Freshsales' example presentation outline to pitch an offering
Customize a Sales Deck Template
Once your sales presentation outline is complete, it's time to translate that into a reusable sales deck. You can also simply start with the deck if you plan to forego a presentation and send it to prospects to read on their own time. It's possible to create a deck from scratch, but you could find an online template and modify it to fit your needs and, if applicable, your presentation structure. As you turn the template into your own deck, you can leave room to personalize it to each new lead.
A standard sales deck template includes the following elements:
Problem Slides: Highlight the problem and its implications to inspire your prospect to want to solve their pain points as soon as possible.
Solution Slides: Show the prospect how their life and business would improve if the problem no longer existed, then introduce your offering as the solution to get them there.
Social Proof Slide: Include quotes, photos, or case study summaries from current clients that used to have a similar issue but have reached the better world with your help.
CTA Slide: Write a direct ask so the prospect knows what the next steps are and how to take them with you.
We created a free sales deck template that follows the above elements in the listed order. Check it out below if you'd like a standard sales deck template to use as a starting point for your own:
Like a sales presentation outline, your deck may differ slightly depending on factors such as your product or service type, your industry, and your rapport with the lead. In this case, it can be especially helpful to start with a template designed for your unique situation, then tweak it as needed. Your deck can then serve as a template for you and your team to use moving forward.
To find a template that fits your unique business situation, check out our compilation of some of the best free sales deck templates on the internet. There, you'll find templates for different company types, offerings, audiences, and more so you can start with the one that will help you finalize your own deck.
Top 7 Presentation Templates for Various Situations
As a sales professional, you’ll often find yourself presenting your offer in various scenarios, from introducing your solution at a trade show to upselling a current client in your office. To help, we’ve compiled seven sales presentation templates to help you craft a verbal outline and/or a visual deck for any sales situation.
Here are the seven sales presentation templates you can access:
Generic Sales Presentation Template
Multifaceted presentation template that follows the general problem/solution format.
Product Sales Presentation Template
Best template for products that can accommodate a demo within the presentation.
Brief Sales Presentation Template
Effective in situations when you're short on time and an elevator pitch works best.
Current Client Sales Presentation Template
Great for presentations to customers you're already working with.
Large Audience Sales Presentation Template
Rely on this template when presenting to a large audience at an event.
Trade Show Booth Sales Presentation Template
Most effective while working a trade show at an industry conference.
Video Sales Presentation Template
Use this when recording a presentation video that can be viewed anytime.
All seven templates include the universal presentation components. No matter the situation, each sales presentation introduces a problem, names the solution, and ends with a call-to-action. Take a closer look below to see how they differ and why they work for each particular situation, plus best practices for each.
Generic Sales Presentation Template
A generic sales presentation is one that’s given by a salesperson or a group of salespeople to a prospective buyer, usually in person or via a videoconference, and with the assistance of a sales deck. Regardless of your business type, your goal here is to educate the prospect on the value of your solution so that they move forward in your sales process.
Expand the below to access a generic presentation outline, deck template, and best practices:
Generic Presentation Outline
Here is the step-by-step generic presentation outline that you can use to create your talking points:
Introduce Your Business: Briefly explain what type of customers you generally serve. And deliver your elevator pitch so the prospect has context about what you do. This can be done in one or two slides.
Build Credibility: This can be done during the introduction of your business or right after. Mention how many customers like the prospect you’ve helped in the past. Or bring up past successes or experience that positions you as an expert.
Introduce a Common Problem: Discuss a common pain point relevant to your prospect, preferably one they mentioned to you during your previous conversations.
Discuss the Problem’s Associated Costs: Elaborate on the consequences of not solving the problem. Is it wasting their time? Is it preventing them from reaching certain goals? Agitate the pain so that they realize how important it is to remove it immediately.
Highlight a Promised Land: Tease the good life. Paint a picture of a beautiful world where the problem is gone. Highlight three key benefits the prospect will receive in this promised land. “Imagine if” is a powerful opening phrase here.
Put the Competition’s Solutions on Trial: Now that your prospect is wondering how to get to this promised land, go through the current options, your well-known competitors, and explain why they fail as bridges to the promised land. Respectfully discuss their shortcomings.
Introduce Your Solution: Finally, reveal your solution to the problem. Explain how it works in one to two sentences. Keep the language simple. State the value proposition.
State Your USP: Explain the main factor that differentiates your product or service from the competition. Show why you’re the best pick.
Give Proof Your Solution Works: Walk the prospect through a few specific customer success stories, mentioning customers similar to the prospect. Use quantitative success markers like “This company increased their revenue by 32%.”
Give Your Call-to-Action: Tell the prospect what you want them to do next and give them the means (contact information, address, etc.) to do it. The prospect will appreciate the direction.
Depending on your situation, there are other elements you could include in your presentation, such as pricing or a team introduction. We go over these presentation elements in our how to create and deliver a sales presentation article — give it a read to learn more.
Generic Presentation Deck Template
Slidebean created a great generic sales deck template that closely follows the outline above. The slides in the deck include about us, mission, before and after solving the problem and the bridge to do so, team, pricing, next steps, Q&A, and contact. Check it out to see if it would be a good starting point for you.
Generic sales pitch deck template
Generic Presentation Best Practices
Here are some best practices for giving a generic sales presentation:
Follow the 10/20/30 Rule in Your Deck: The 10/20/30 rule states that a presentation should have at most 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes, and use a 30-point font or larger. This ensures the audience doesn’t get bored by text or length.
Use a Problem/Solution Narrative Structure: Begin by defining a problem and explaining its costs. Then paint a picture of a better world where that problem is gone, and reveal how the prospect can get there with your product or service.
Sprinkle Proof Throughout: Use data points, stats, and graphs to back your bold claims. And include testimonials and case studies from customers similar to the prospect to prove that they can expect to see a similar level of success.
The most important thing to remember is to include the components that work well in every presentation — particularly the problem and how you'll fix it, plus what the prospect should do next.
When you’re presenting a product, showmanship is essential. Nothing sells better than demonstrations of the product. If it’s a potato peeler, peel some potatoes. If the product is something too large to demonstrate in person — like industrial equipment — show a video of it in action. This helps the customer visualize owning it and using it themselves, which assuages any uncertainty that it’ll work.
Click "Show More" if you sell a physical product and want to start with an outline and deck template:
Product Presentation Outline
Here is a sales presentation outline for presenting a product:
Introduce Your Business: Tell the prospect a little bit about yourself and your business.
Open With a Story: Tell a short relatable story that introduces the main problem you solve. A knife sharpener salesperson might tell a story about how their knife was dull so it slipped and cut their finger.
List Current Undesirable Solutions: Go through the current solutions (your competitors) and explain why they fail to solve the problem. This could be because of faulty technology or a missing feature that your product has.
Introduce Your Solution (Your Product): If possible, show the product to the prospect. Let them hold it or use it. Name how it’s different from and better than the competition.
Show the Features and State the Benefits: While showing them each feature, tell them how it will make their lives better.
Give a Physical Demonstration: If you were the knife sharpener salesperson, you’d show them how sharp you can get the blade.
Show Proof: Share some quotes from customers who have enjoyed your product or a video of some using it.
Make a Call-to-Action: Tell your prospect what you want them to do next, whether that’s to buy now or to schedule another meeting. Create urgency by adding a time bomb, like a discount that ends in the next hour.
This outline works well for physical products like the knife sharpener example, but it also can be effective for presenting SaaS products, especially when you incorporate a sales deck.
Product Presentation Deck Template
Visme's product sales deck template includes slides for the USP, problem, implications, solution and how it works, social proof, and a CTA. Take a look to decide whether it's a good jumping off point for your own product slide deck.
Product sales deck template
Product Presentation Best Practices
Here are some things to keep in mind when presenting a product:
Let the Audience Take Your Product for a Spin: Hand it over to the prospect and let them try it for themselves. This makes them attached to the product and more eager to own it.
Show How Other Solutions Are Ineffective: Present the competitions’ products and how they're flawed. Show videos or in-person demos of the product causing costly problems.
Be Expressive With Body Language: Hold up the product, use hand gestures to emphasize points, and smile and nod when making jokes or stating benefits.
Try to incorporate these tips whether you're selling a physical product or a software tool.
Sometimes you’ll only have one or two minutes to present your product or service to a new lead. This could occur on a cold call, at a networking event, or during a quick on-stage presentation at a conference. Usually, your audience knows nothing about your offer. Sometimes, these short presentations are referred to as elevator pitches, although, in practice, elevator pitches should be only 30 seconds.
Check out our brief presentation outline, deck template, and tips below:
Brief Presentation Outline
Here is the sales presentation outline to use when you have only a few minutes to present:
Open With a Shocking Statement: This could be a startling but true statistic connected to the problem you solve (e.g., Americans read for personal interest for 10 minutes or less per day). It could also be a bold claim (e.g., You’re showering all wrong).
Tell a Story That Elucidates a Problem: It has to be a very short story, and the protagonist should be your ideal customer.
Introduce Your Product or Service: Tell them the name of your product or service and its main value proposition — its most powerful benefit.
Explain How It Works in One Sentence: In a single sentence, clarify how it works and achieves this value proposition — “It does this by X.”
State Your Call-to-Action: Ask them for the meeting, the purchase, or whatever it is you want them to do. Try including the value proposition again in your CTA. “If you want to see a 33% increase in X, let’s schedule a meeting for next week to go over it more.”
Start with this outline, but add or cut whatever information you need so you end up with brief talking points that will be effective when used with your prospects.
Brief Presentation Deck Template
Slidebean's brief sales deck template tells the entire story in a few slides. It opens with the main idea and statistics, then moves on to a problem and the company's value proposition and overall story. The solution slide is next, with a Q&A and CTA at the end. It also includes slides for the competition and team, which you can keep or cut for time.
Brief sales deck template
Brief Presentation Best Practices
Here are some best practices for presenting when you’re short on time:
Share the Most Crucial Information: When you don't have time to give a full sales presentation, be economical with what you choose to share. Focus on getting across the problem you solve and your main value proposition.
Speak With Pace: Long dramatic pauses have no place here. Speak at a faster rate than normal. Get through your entire presentation before time’s up or you lose the lead’s attention.
Forget the Sales Deck if Needed: You don’t necessarily need the slideshow. Focus on engaging the audience with eye contact, hand gestures, and passion.
To stick to the time you're allotted, follow these tips to end early enough that your prospect can ask a few questions.
This is relevant to anyone upselling or cross-selling a current client. When you’re doing this, you must personalize the presentation to their wants, needs, and goals that they have expressed to you during your partnership. Regardless of outcome, these presentations are great chances to grow your relationship, so start with a template and tailor it from there.
Below, you'll find an outline and deck template for presenting to your existing customers:
Current Client Presentation Outline
Here is an outline for delivering sales presentations to current clients:
Talk About Past Successes: Remind them of your value. Share any key performance indicators that you have directly contributed to improving.
Summarize Your Last Discussion: A discussion should’ve taken place before this meeting in which you asked the client about their current goals. Bring up these goals to give them context for why you’re presenting to them today.
Discuss Why They Aren’t Hitting Their Goals: Talk about some reasons why they aren’t performing as well as they could be. For example, perhaps one of their processes is inefficient.
Pitch the Idea: Explain how your product or service can solve the problem for them and help them achieve their goals.
Show Proof: Show them how other clients like them have benefited by making this particular purchase. Use statistics and case studies here to prove your point.
Give the Client Use Cases: Share some examples of exactly how the client can use this tool or service in their day-to-day life. Take into account their internal business processes or daily responsibilities while crafting these use cases.
Make the Call-to-Action: Ask them if they want a follow-up meeting to go over it more in depth, or if they’d like you to send over a business proposal.
As you run through these talking points, ensure that they know how appreciative you are of their business. This outline will help you get through the key details, but your relationship with the client plays a large role in moving the deal forward.
Current Client Presentation Deck Template
Gong's B2B sales deck template is a great one to use for your current customers. It's highly customizable, so you can easily tailor it to the customers you've had a chance to learn about by working with them for a certain period of time. After the cover slide, it has pages for the nexus, problem, story, value proposition, proof, and CTA.
B2B customer sales deck template
Current Client Presentation Best Practices
Here what to remember when renewing, upselling, or cross-selling a current client:
Discuss Their Past Successes With You: To remind them of how well you’ve helped them already, show them a snapshot of what their life was like before they signed up with you and how much better it’s become. Do this at the beginning.
Personalize It: Bring up use cases — come up with ways your client can use the new or upgraded version of a product to reach their goals or solve their problems.
Bring in Backup: If there’s an account manager or someone else who manages the client’s account, bring them along to make the client feel comfortable. They don’t have to present, but they can help kick off the rapport-building small talk beforehand.
As we mentioned above, remember to lean on your relationship in presentations with current clients. It's more efficient to renew and upsell existing customers than acquire new ones, so make them feel special and show them the value you've brought to them so far.
This is effective for large audiences of over 100 people. This often occurs when you’re on a stage presenting your product or service at an industry event (conference, trade show, etc.) that you’re hosting or attending. The audience usually consists of industry peers eager to learn about new brands and solutions that’ll help them achieve their goals.
Here's the template for presenting to many people at a time, plus tips to do it well:
Large Audience Presentation Outline
Check out the sales presentation outline for presenting to large audiences:
Build Curiosity: Open with a statement that gets the audience excited for what you’re going to reveal. You could declare that what you’re about to show them will forever change the way they do or think about something.
Build Credibility: Quickly summarize your business’s origin story. Then, if possible, chronicle your company’s past successes or product releases and explain how they changed the industry.
Highlight the Key Problem: Now, name a new problem in the industry that you plan to tackle. Make it one that’s relatable and painful to your audience.
Tackle the Competition: Discuss today’s solutions and cast them aside with your arguments for why they don’t work. It’s helpful to find one feature or approach your main competitors all have or employ and then explain why that is their shortcoming.
Introduce Your Product or Service: Reveal your solution to the problem. Show pictures or videos of it on the big screen. Explain its key differentiator and value proposition.
Go Through Features and Benefits: If you're using a deck, flip through slides that name and show images of the relevant features while you talk about the benefits.
Make Your Call-to-Action: Tell them what to do next, whether that’s to go to your website and sign up or to dial a number on the handout they received before the show.
When you're presenting to a large audience, it can be especially helpful to take advantage of the projector in the room, showing image and/or text slides.
Large Audience Presentation Deck Template
Zuora's large audience sales deck template is a solid one to use for many people at a time. The template starts off with an industry change that will affect all audience members, then explains the implications of the change, especially for companies that don't keep up. It uses the remaining slides to set up Zuora as the hero that can help the audience thrive in this new environment.
Large audience sales deck template
Large Audience Presentation Best Practices
Here are some best practices for presenting to large audiences:
Practice to Gain Confidence: Because there are so many people in the room, it can be nerve-racking. You’re going to want to have practiced this presentation a lot so that you’re comfortable. If possible, rehearse on the stage.
Use the Entire Stage: Usually, you’ll have a lot of space on the stage at these events. Use it. Changes in the audience’s visual field, including your walking, keeps them alert. Also, make sure you consistently switch which part of the audience you’re facing.
Involve the Audience: Ask audience members to raise their hands if they hold a certain opinion, have had a specific experience, or are in a particular position. You might say, “Raise your hand if you’ve ever had {insert struggle here}.” This makes them feel invested.
Consider also consulting your peers who have given talks to big audiences. Speaking to large groups is a unique experience in which presenters typically improve over time, so try to bypass some of the clunky talks by getting these tips beforehand.
Sometimes you’ll find yourself at a trade show or conference presenting to cold leads who have gathered around your booth for a quick presentation of your product or service. The goal of this presentation is to quickly turn these leads into prospects hungry to learn more.
Follow the template below when presenting at a trade show booth:
Trade Show Booth Presentation Outline
Here is the outline for a trade show booth sales presentation:
Quickly Set the Agenda: Summarize what you plan to cover in your presentation.
Give a Reason to Stick Around: Include this in the last part of your agenda. This could be a chance to enter into a contest or win an item or a sneak peek at a new feature.
Help People Self-Qualify: Start talking about your ideal customer and their responsibilities. Involve the audience by asking them to raise their hands if they fall into one of the mentioned categories. This way, the ideal customers will know to stay.
Name a Common Desire of Your Customers: Bring up something that your ideal customer wants. This could be a goal they want to achieve or a problem they want gone.
Explain How Your Product or Service Satisfies the Desire: Introduce your solution and describe how it satisfies this need.
State 3 Key Benefits: Name three benefits that your buyers will receive with the product or service. It helps to tell anecdotes about specific clients enjoying each benefit you mention.
Make a Call-to-Action: Help them move through the sales pipeline by telling them what action to take. This could be to talk to someone at the booth or grab a brochure. Also, give them a reason to comply.
Because trade shows are competitive, consider using both a presentation outline and a sales deck template. This way, you'll have a higher chance of grabbing attendees' attention when they walk past your visual slides.
Trade Show Booth Presentation Deck Template
Venngage's creative sales deck is a good fit for presenters at a trade show booth. It's visually appealing and brief to rope in passers-by and allow them to see the full deck in a matter of minutes. It starts with a title slide, then explains what your company does and how to get in touch with you.
Creative trade show booth sales deck template
Trade Show Booth Presentation Best Practices
Here are some best practices for presenting at a trade show booth:
Keep It Between 5-10 Minutes: The trade show members have other exhibits to see. Respect their time and keep it succinct, fast-paced, and powerful.
Build Brand Recognition: At a trade show, you might be surrounded by booths filled with competitors. So it’s key to win a spot in your audience’s memory by highlighting your top differentiators that make your brand unique.
Make Each Slide Stand on Its Own: People might show up at your booth during slide one or four. Therefore, make sure each slide has a straightforward concept in large font that audience members can grasp without having to see the previous slide.
Brevity and enthusiasm are key here. If you can quickly tell your potential clients why you believe in your product or service, you're more likely to stand out in a room of other booths.
Video sales presentations usually consist of a seller standing in front of a camera and/or recording their computer screen and briefly explaining their solution and its benefits. Once you’ve filmed the video successfully, you can use it again and again. Often, businesses film these video sales presentations to put on their landing page, sales page, or any other page on their website designed to convert visitors into leads or buyers. They also use it as a video advertisement.
Check out how to create a video presentation from an outline and deck template below:
Video Presentation Outline
Here is a sales presentation outline for creating your video presentation:
Introduce Yourself: State your name and your business. Then share any credentials or experiences that show you’re an expert in the field.
Name 1–2 Pain Points: Come across as a problem solver by labeling one or two pain points that your target audience struggles with.
Introduce Your Solution: Name your product or service and give a high-level overview in one sentence.
Describe the Promised Land: Talk about how amazing the viewer’s life will be once they have this solution. Focus on evoking positive emotions from them.
Walk the Viewer Through the Product or Service: With the help of images and/or the video, walk the viewer through the basic features. Be sure to highlight the benefits of each.
Make a Call-to-Action: Tell them to fill out the form on the page that will collect their contact information. Tell them what will happen after they do this. Or, if they can purchase on the page, let them know where they can do so.
Some of the best video presentations switch between the presenter and their screen. The outline is helpful throughout, and a deck template can be great when you want to show your screen.
Video Presentation Deck Template
We created our own cold leads sales deck template that could easily be recorded into a video and hosted on your website or anywhere else where new leads can find it. The cover slide introduces the company, then it talks about the problem plus your product or service and its benefits. Finally, it ends with a CTA.
Video sales deck template
Video Presentation Best Practices
Here are the main details to keep in mind during a video sales presentation:
Keep It Brief: Avoid droning on; you want to get to your call-to-action before the audience gets bored and moves on to another web page.
Focus on Benefits Over Features: Focus on how the product will improve the buyer’s life. iPod claimed “1,000 songs in your pocket,” but few buyers cared how that was possible.
Let Your Personality Shine Through: Share personal stories of your experiences in the industry helping people like them or stories of your own challenges.
These tips will help prevent your prospect from skipping ahead in the video or closing it altogether. Video presentations can make it tough to keep your audience's attention, so try all three of these tips plus any others you uncover as you go.
To learn more about creating your own outline, read our article on sales presentations, where you'll see how to create and deliver your presentation. For more slide deck templates for a variety of situations, check out our sales deck templates article; there, you'll find categories like the above, plus a template and examples for each one that show what a great sales deck looks like in action. Finally, read our sales presentation tips article for more best practices to keep in mind.
Bottom Line: Sales Presentation Templates
Sales presentations are your chance to convince your prospective buyer of the value of your product or service, to come across as an expert problem solver, and to further nurture the buyer/seller relationship. To do this, your sales presentation should be tailored to the unique situation in which you find yourself, as well as to the audience. Now, take what you’ve learned from these templates and examples and go build and deliver an amazing sales presentation.
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